
Hey there!

Hi, I’m Heather.

I write a lot about cancer, addiction, and diseases of the soul. Diseases like worry, fear, control, comparison, resentment, just to name a few. Apparently, I am not the only one who has them. I used to worry that when my cancer went into remission, my writing would go into remission with it. But since the diseases of the soul, the “common plagues of the heart” as I call them, are chronic, it seems I will never run out of material.

From the blog

Now Hosting


At a Soul Selfie Soirée interactive women’s retreat, Heather shares her story, but most importantly helps others share theirs. Our messes and “common plagues of the heart” offer us many chances to encourage each other and find things in common, even if they are our deep fears, screw-ups, and struggles.


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About Me

Hi, I’m Heather. I was born on and raised all over the West Coast. I never lived in any one state for longer than 5 years until I moved to Illinois. We have now been here 26 years! I still feel like I am waiting to go “home” to the west! I have been married to my best friend for 30 years. We went to high school together and I followed him to Missouri for school. Now that’s love! We have 3 children: Berkeley, 25; Bennett, 21; and Emma, 20. My husband and I served at Hope Church for 20 years. We now write, preach, and work “regular people” jobs, letting God use us wherever He needs us. Read more & Contact Information

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