“Though the doors were locked…”

By now, some of you have read enough of my blogs to understand my unique daily reading plan. I could market said plan as “Rabbit Trail Reading Plan” or “ADD Reading Plan”, both catering to busy, scattered, impatient and focus-challenged individuals who are doing the best they can to grow up mentally, spiritually and emotionally. At any rate, here’s how it looks for me. I read approximately 4 different books each morning. Each one has a daily entry that is shorter than most of my blog posts I write. While I am reading I underline like crazy. I look up words I don’t understand or intrigue me. And I look up any references to bible verses that are highlighted. When I look those verses up, I truly love it if I have already underlined them in my bible (as if I were going to receive a prize or something).  I also read what comes before and after those verses and occasionally end up reading a few chapters or other verses I have underlined around it. All that to segue into telling you about what I read the other day. And I couldn’t stop crying.

Just a brief description of what’s going on in John 20:26–You have probably heard the descriptor of someone who is skeptical or leary about something as being a “doubting Thomas”. This passage is where that phrase comes from. After Jesus was killed and came back from the dead, he appeared to a few of his disciples. Poor Thomas. He wasn’t there. So they told him about it and a paraphrase of what he said went something like “What-ever dudes. I’ll tell you what; I have heard these rumors already and seen the posts on Instagram. You know they can make anything look real with photoshop, right? But until I see him with my own eyes and touch the holes where they nailed him to that cross, I’m not buying it.” A week goes by and the disciples, including Thomas this time, are chillin’ in someone’s living room.

“And though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them.”

Photo by George Becker on Pexels.com

And though the doors were locked…”. That’s the part that made me stop. Made me sob, actually. Because that is the God I believe in. Too often we picture Jesus as standing at the door of our hearts and knocking patiently. Wondering if we are home, hating to bother us with his measly gift of, um, forgiveness of sin and eternal life. This image probably comes from frequently abused verse about “behold, I stand at the door and knock” that is often used to entice someone to turn their life over to the care of God. Spoiler alert, that verse was written to a church full of Christians that needed to get its act together. It wasn’t about the heart of an individual who hadn’t met up with the wonder of God yet.

The God I believe in and am abandoned to, is not like a door-to-door salesman or a person who walks and knocks on neighborhood doors getting signatures to support his political agenda. He isn’t politely tapping while I hide behind the curtain, peaking out the window, hoping he gives up soon and moves on. He’s a God who pursues.

He knows we are home and He isn’t leaving until we open the door. He knows what He offers is not only free (to us, not at all to Him) but the best gift we could ever receive. His grace and love and mercy are indeed priceless. Too often we are resistant to letting Him in. Sometimes it’s because we are afraid. Sometimes it’s because we are selfish and want to live by our own will. Sometimes, I think much of the time, it’s because we think we are not worthy of the gift. That we have screwed up too often and in ways that seem irreparable.

The God I believe in, not to frighten you, is one who will find a way in even though the doors are locked. He will go through a window or jimmy the dead-bolt or come down the chimney. He is what the English poet Francis Thompson called “The Hound of Heaven”. “As the hound follows the hare, never ceasing in its running, ever drawing nearer in the chase, with unhurrying and imperturbed pace, so God follows the fleeing soul by His Divine grace.” And even though, for a plethora of reasons, we try to hide and run and lose this Hound, He follows after, “unwearyingly follows ever after, till the soul feels its pressure forcing it to turn to Him alone in that never ending pursuit.” (J.F.X. O’Conor)

You see, like a lover who knows without a doubt that you are destined to be together, God will passionately and fervently pursue you. You can run and hide and curse and reject, but those are hurdles He can handle. He is not hunting you down to punish or shame you. He is coming to bring the love, acceptance, peace and joy your have been looking for in other things or other people.

Dear friend–I hope you can feel my two hands on your cheeks as I hold your face close to mine and tell you with a tender and emphatic whisper: “Though your doors are locked, He will find a way in. And that’s not a threat, it’s a beautiful promise.”

6 thoughts on ““Though the doors were locked…”

  1. I am so touched by this nugget of truth. I can see in my own life and in others how those Godincedences are Him unrelentingly pursuing a relationship with me. I am studying in Romans 8 right now and I just want to shout from the rooftops that God has told us that not only are Christians not condemned, but they can’t be Greek word “ouden” because God’s sinless Son took the FULL weight of condemnation we deserve. Me, a natural born sinner. And to top it off He stated NOTHING can separate me from God’s love that is in Christ Jesus!! Your share is a beautiful expression of His love for us. Deeper than I usually go. Thank you so much for sharing!!

  2. Thank you, Heather, for blessing me with this important reminder. I have a friend and a family member for whom I have been praying for years that they would stop running from God and let Him in to their hearts. Your entry reminds me that God will not give up, and neither should I.

  3. I love this Heather…I once read something that Dallas Willard wrote or maybe Frederick Buechner that when I read every knee will now is also not the threat I once imagined but a loving promise I can hold on to❤️

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