Justice. Mercy. Grace.

I knew I was going to write a blog this morning, but wasn’t sure exactly what to write about. I have had a few ideas swirling around in my head for a few weeks but always like to ask God to “show” me what He wants me to reason out at the moment. It isContinueContinue reading “Justice. Mercy. Grace.”


It probably goes without saying that it’s a bad idea to blame the CEO of the hospital  (whose staff saved your life) for you getting hives during a transfusion. But no one has ever accused me of having exemplary discretion. So I tried it. What happened was this: I got a platelet transfusion in betweenContinueContinue reading “HIVES!”

“You wouldn’t like me when I am angry” – Bruce Banner-The Hulk (and Heather)

I like being angry. There. I said it. I didn’t even KNOW I liked being angry until the following scenarios occurred: (brace yourself…this is fix’n to get ugly):  a couple of years ago, there were a handful of people who enacted a type of “spiritual shunning” and stopped speaking to me (this is where IContinueContinue reading ““You wouldn’t like me when I am angry” – Bruce Banner-The Hulk (and Heather)”