Unpacking NOT SO FAST

https://open.spotify.com/episode/4cdM3ZsnXFWAJKNpghEiGk?si=4P-Eb9OyRQmlXI_oDviE_g https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000639696649 https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-NOT-SO-FAST-when-we-want-things-faster-e2djii1 Some times life is going too fast for us. We an feel overwhelmed and unable to manage what is coming at us. Ever feel that way? What about he opposite? When what we want won’t come fast enough. The wait, the agony of uncertainty. Well Heather and Bruce break down the phraseContinueContinue reading “Unpacking NOT SO FAST”

Unpacking IMPACT

https://open.spotify.com/episode/0PpLJfHcRB4pilUoIdQVnQ?si=OrwOnvryTMKBySOdXelxuQ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000617658412 https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-IMPACT-e25u5b4 This episode is dedicated to my father-in-law Ron Carter. He passed from Esophageal Cancer 2 years ago today. June 19th at 11:08. Please check out my blog entitled “Where’s Ron” ( https://heathercarterwrites.com/2021/07/12/wheres-ron/ ) to hear more of the story. I hope you will find this episode helpful as you also navigate life’sContinueContinue reading “Unpacking IMPACT”

Unpacking MINUTIAE

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000608301580 https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-MINUTIAE-e2254bp https://open.spotify.com/episode/3AIMCFpSBeIVC10BusURO1?si=s304gK7BQVi8PW2mgRbjtA&dd=1 Heather and Bruce back together again to unpack MINUTIAE. The small stuff. Really. Maybe the day to day mundane can bring us great joy if we pay attention and use the time in these tasks to connect with others and make an impact. Drive through lines, Grocery store check outs, Elevators, etc.ContinueContinue reading “Unpacking MINUTIAE”


Life has been pretty chaotic for me the past few months. Some of the chaos was bad—like my son getting hit by a car and all that goes with that. Some of the chaos has been good—like Blake’s mom being here for a week and my mom here for a week shortly after that. ForContinueContinue reading “Disintegration”

Unpacking OVER

https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-OVER-e1us7fb https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000599478582 https://open.spotify.com/episode/1Lhs0cI57MbNacQ0AdYXRr?si=qEUpiLoIRNi01wYM9P25Yg On Top. Who is in charge of your life? Who are you in charge of?Very done. “I am over it!”Everything is complete. It’s over now. You can move on. Reflection. Look back. What did you learn. How did you grow? How can you do it different in the future? How did you seeContinueContinue reading “Unpacking OVER”

Take away my difficulties

“…Take away my difficulties, that VICTORY over them may bear witness to those I help of Your POWER, Your LOVE, and Your WAY OF LIFE.” This is part of a prayer I pray every morning. If you notice, it does not suggest that God not allow difficulties. Just by asking Him to “take them away”,ContinueContinue reading “Take away my difficulties”

Unpacking ALWAYS

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000596206170 https://open.spotify.com/episode/3qt4UZQlMCBUikQi1yAhjN?si=kzrZD-uiS_mlpznUXgeBCg https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-ALWAYS-e1tedft


I need a moment to set this one up…let me introduce you a bit to my wild train of thought that landed me here on my couch to write frantically before I have to get a cavity filled in an hour (possibly one of my least favorite procedures, outside of a bone marrow biopsy…). IContinueContinue reading “Wiper-Wisdom”

You are the Problem…

The other morning I was working on some Real Estate stuff on the computer while my son was watching basketball. I felt compelled to share with him my excitement about my job. I said, “I know you probably don’t really care, but I just have to say that I love my job! Sometimes I evenContinueContinue reading “You are the Problem…”


I don’t know if this is an official thing, but it should be: I think I have a “Thanksgiving-Food-Hangover”. Even though Thanksgiving itself was only ONE day and ONE meal, I have actually eaten Thanksgiving food in some form or fashion for the past FOUR days! When diet experts estimate the number of calories theContinueContinue reading ““Thanksgetting””