Unpacking ALWAYS

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000596206170 https://open.spotify.com/episode/3qt4UZQlMCBUikQi1yAhjN?si=kzrZD-uiS_mlpznUXgeBCg https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-ALWAYS-e1tedft

Unpacking REBOUND

Listen in as Bruce and Heather unpack the powerful impact of just one word. Today were talking about Rebound. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unpacking-rebound/id1628668707?i=1000585440134 https://open.spotify.com/episode/4RQHyHWmdnFG4LaFTeLqbS?si=q_t39HG9SrSEakIfvs1CgQ https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-REBOUND-e1q2ila

This is me better

In the past few months I have taken a couple beach vacations. I know…don’t hate me. I am sure it is just me, but prior to each of them I felt just the slightest pressure to “shed a few” before each trip. So I was a bit more cautious about what I ate and drankContinueContinue reading “This is me better”

“I Choose Not to Run”-Jerry Seinfeld

You may recall a story I have told you before about how I “run marathons.” In 2015, as my husband and I sat on the edge of my new bed at the hospital (where I would remain for the next 35 days), we were in complete shock. The news of my Leukemia diagnosis was stillContinueContinue reading ““I Choose Not to Run”-Jerry Seinfeld”

Start sharing

I have so much to write about it’s been hard to pick a topic today. I truly try to write about areas in which I am struggling or questioning or flare-ups of my character defects. Thus, quite an array of blog opportunities. But today, through a serious of unfortunate events, I now know exactly whatContinueContinue reading “Start sharing”

How’s hurried and harried Heather?

Since we connected last, I am proud to say that I have mastered the 4 areas (as outlined by John Mark Comer) required to “ruthlessly eliminate hurry” from my life. Granted, I was in Myrtle Beach when I wrote my last entry, came home for one day and flew out to Malibu, California to seeContinueContinue reading “How’s hurried and harried Heather?”

Hurried and Harried Heather

Call me simple. Or mystical. Or just naïve and superstitious. Call me what you want, but regardless, this is how it works. This is how I know what I am supposed to write about—dare I say-what I believe God wants me to write about. I read a smorgasbord of books every day. Usually a pageContinueContinue reading “Hurried and Harried Heather”

You go first

Someone’s gotta GO FIRST. It might as well be me. I have a confession to make: I watched the move “Bad Moms”. Yep. I was eating dinner while watching TV (another confession…sorry mom!) and it was on some chick-channel and I got sucked in. I am not necessary encouraging you to watch it (it wasContinueContinue reading “You go first”

IT part 2: You are still not IT

“Write in the messy” she said. Oh, wait, that was me saying that. This morning I am feeling particularly trapped and overwhelmed by the “cares of this world”. I spoke about this very thing at a women’s retreat this past weekend. In preparing and sharing I was reminded that it is often the little obstaclesContinueContinue reading “IT part 2: You are still not IT”