…On the “Morning” in the Morning

“Morning—the very word itself is like a cluster of luscious grapes to crush into sacred wine for me to drink. In the morning! This is when God wants me at my best in strength and hope so that I may begin my daily climb, not in weakness but in strength. Last night I buried yesterday’sContinueContinue reading “…On the “Morning” in the Morning”


I need a moment to set this one up…let me introduce you a bit to my wild train of thought that landed me here on my couch to write frantically before I have to get a cavity filled in an hour (possibly one of my least favorite procedures, outside of a bone marrow biopsy…). IContinueContinue reading “Wiper-Wisdom”


I wish i had some other literature to back up these principles I am about to throw out there. But, alas, I think I will just ramble for a bit and see if anything profound comes to  mind. When I have to go looking for “readings” to support what I feel God leading me toContinueContinue reading ““Re-Purpose””

Grow Up!

Since I started writing my Blog, several people have asked me if I have always wanted to write or have previously done any writing. My answer is an emphatic , “absolutely not!”. I actually never enjoyed writing, or reading for that matter, because I am ultimately an extrovert. It’s hard to read or write withContinueContinue reading “Grow Up!”


This morning I have “blog brain”. I haven’t written in a few days, and I woke up writing blogs in my head. Here’s how I write: I have something God has shown me, either in life circumstances or in a reading, and i sit down and type it all in about 20 or 30 minutes…withoutContinueContinue reading ““click””

Getting the Grade

Way back when I was in high school, the highest grade point average you could get was a mere 4.0. Well, I know that I achieved this status during my senior yr. and maybe a few other semesters-but who’s really keeping track? My point is, that I worked it out (because I turned 18 theContinueContinue reading “Getting the Grade”

PEOPLE to the rescue

“Delivering help trumps offering hope any day of the week.” Peyton Manning Blake sent me this quote from a conference he was attending today. Peyton says it better than me, but I swear I was just making this point to a friend yesterday. I was expressing how grateful we are to have people, often peopleContinueContinue reading “PEOPLE to the rescue”

looking for lizards…

Ever since my son Berkeley was little ( he is now 18) he has been infatuated with reptiles, and, at some phases of his life, fairly obsessed with catching them. He has captured more snakes than any responsible mother would allow (while I watched). I think he thought he was the “Crocodile Hunter” from theContinueContinue reading “looking for lizards…”

Happy pre-easter!

good words on a shirt from my sweet friend.  It seems i won’t be going home today. Need more blood and platelets and to raise my blood pressure. I told them i was going to watch a few violent movies or maybe documentaries on starving/mistreated children in Africa-those things make my blood pressure rise. SomeoneContinueContinue reading “Happy pre-easter!”