Unpacking REBOUND

Listen in as Bruce and Heather unpack the powerful impact of just one word. Today were talking about Rebound. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/unpacking-rebound/id1628668707?i=1000585440134 https://open.spotify.com/episode/4RQHyHWmdnFG4LaFTeLqbS?si=q_t39HG9SrSEakIfvs1CgQ https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-REBOUND-e1q2ila

Birth-day vs. Death-day

Yesterday was my birthday and I spent time at the hospital, not to be confused with in the hospital, which is the reality that wooed me to writing today. My middle son, Bennett, had a rib extracted (look up Thoracic Outlet Syndrome for some fun reading)! He is home now and doing great. But IContinueContinue reading “Birth-day vs. Death-day”


Browse the blogs by category to read more on contentment https://open.spotify.com/episode/3jOtDsNllm4UfYDp8IjrKC?si=EOxk7FSmQ26aN1RQXnQp3A


Bright and early this morning I dropped my daughter off at the airport after being home for a month. She goes to college in California (a mere 1,641 miles from her momma!) and is heading back to do a summer internship. I am most definitely not sitting on my couch trying not to cry. 🙂ContinueContinue reading “Interference!”

Start sharing

I have so much to write about it’s been hard to pick a topic today. I truly try to write about areas in which I am struggling or questioning or flare-ups of my character defects. Thus, quite an array of blog opportunities. But today, through a serious of unfortunate events, I now know exactly whatContinueContinue reading “Start sharing”

Might As Well Be You

A couple weeks ago I spoke at a cancer support group in California. It’s called Anchor and is run by a fellow cancer-kicker named Kathy, who will probably kill me for drawing attention to her. She is kind and humble and surrendered to whatever God wants to do with her. And what He has beenContinueContinue reading “Might As Well Be You”