Unpacking EXAMPLE

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000630779100 https://spotify.link/hOztlKnSMDb https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-Example-e2abks0 What is the EXAMPLE we are setting and where does the light shine?Bruce and Heather unpack their perspective on this topic. Bruce draws on Daniel 6 v 26 where after Daniel refused King Dorius’ decree to only worship him and was thrown into the lion’s den for his “disobedience”. Acting by faith,ContinueContinue reading “Unpacking EXAMPLE”

Unpacking MINUTIAE

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000608301580 https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-MINUTIAE-e2254bp https://open.spotify.com/episode/3AIMCFpSBeIVC10BusURO1?si=s304gK7BQVi8PW2mgRbjtA&dd=1 Heather and Bruce back together again to unpack MINUTIAE. The small stuff. Really. Maybe the day to day mundane can bring us great joy if we pay attention and use the time in these tasks to connect with others and make an impact. Drive through lines, Grocery store check outs, Elevators, etc.ContinueContinue reading “Unpacking MINUTIAE”


https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000604049697 https://open.spotify.com/episode/2J6EpEHHkJHSTU1F7m86Df?si=4UoMCuf1Qh2yg9xXRbJzTw https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-Bruces-Mindset-Messages-e20cm1c

I Wanna Be a Hosta!

It’s hotter than Hades here in Illinois. So, naturally, we picked this week to plant grass seed and new shrubs (which I purchased at the bargain price of “buy it now for practically nothing because it could potentially die on your drive home”). I took approximately 3 showers yesterday just from doing regular life stuff.ContinueContinue reading “I Wanna Be a Hosta!”

Excuses Excuses Excuses

I used to journal. Back when you actually had to write, with your own hand, In a notebook. No laptops or IPADS. Recently I found some of those journals up at my moms. One thing I learned from perusing them is that I was an idiot much of the time. And completely oblivious to what,ContinueContinue reading “Excuses Excuses Excuses”


I feel like I am wearing a “fat-suit”. I don’t know if it is actual fat or leftover chemo fluids or both, but I don’t like it at all. It’s as if I have about a 2 inch-thick coating on the outside of my body. I just know my real body is hiding underneath itContinueContinue reading ““Fat-Suit””

Sensory Break

A couple weeks ago I visited the School where I worked with Special Ed Pre-Schoolers. Of course, this prompted thoughts about how “Everything You Need to Know You Can Learn in Special Ed Pre-School.” One thing I talked with about with the teachers was how overwhelmed some of the children are who don’t speak English.ContinueContinue reading “Sensory Break”

Detachment…my favorite tool

We have a saying in our household: “our favorite ‘tools’ are a phone and a phonebook.” When something needs a fixn’, we have to call it in. This makes us pretty needy neighbors. We borrow a lot. But, hey, if you need a screw driver or hammer, we’re “here for you.” A couple of yearsContinueContinue reading “Detachment…my favorite tool”