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Blake update #4

This was my wife on a recent trip with my sis (H on right).  h brett

This was H last week:

Terrifying in an absolute sense.  I’ve grown to hate Leukemia.  The good news is that she has bounced back.  Her blood is getting healthier every day.  Her infection is gone.  She is completely off ALL tubes and lines except her main line.  Her lungs are rocking.  No oxygen needed.  Her tummy is getting better every day.  It is an unspeakable relief.  All that said, we are still in for a long road.  Her hair started falling out Sun, and though we knew this could happen (and no one but H cares), it has been hard for her.  I don’t mean this to be crass but hair is symbolic to women, of their femininity.  I imagine she is feeling something of what a woman who has had a mastectomy or a man had his testes removed due to cancer might feel.  It strikes at the core of identity.  So pray for her heart about that.  Additionally, we have more chemo to come as well as a trip to Barnes in STL for a bone marrow transplant consultation.  Both of these are standard the treatment of leukemia but they represent many more ups and downs or several more months.  So, please keep praying.  Thank you all.

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