Jerk for Jesus, pt. 2 | 10:1 Ratio

Psychologists tell us that for every one negative message we deliver (or receive), there should be 10 positive messages for counterbalance. That goes for teachers, parents, spouses, bosses, etc. That makes us all sound a tad on the emotionally fragile spectrum when you put it that way, but let’s just unpack that truth for aContinueContinue reading “Jerk for Jesus, pt. 2 | 10:1 Ratio”

“Gimme some-whole-ness”

It’s probably not a coincidence that I came up with an idea to write a blog on “unwholesome talk” while I was running (or trying to run) on a treadmill. Remember how in my book I talk about how the doctors made a note on my medical chart that says “she runs marathons”? Well, IContinueContinue reading ““Gimme some-whole-ness””