Hiking surprises

If you don’t know who the comedian Jim Gaffigan is, you should definitely stop yourself right here and take a listen. I hope to give you a couple insights to help your days be better, but he will give you a laugh to kick it off, I guarantee. I have been wanting to reflect onContinueContinue reading “Hiking surprises”

Unpacking the UP-SIDE of SELF

https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/UNPACKING-the-Up-Side-of-SELF-e1n30b6 https://youtu.be/rsuvcfD8QWg

Justice. Mercy. Grace.

I knew I was going to write a blog this morning, but wasn’t sure exactly what to write about. I have had a few ideas swirling around in my head for a few weeks but always like to ask God to “show” me what He wants me to reason out at the moment. It isContinueContinue reading “Justice. Mercy. Grace.”

Give it a rest

I will try my best to keep this short and sweet. I am running out of time because I have been searching several books to find a quote I wanted use in this post. I wasted way too much time on this before it occurred to me to ask the Google Machine :). Before theContinueContinue reading “Give it a rest”