Off Pitch

I am not really sure how this is all going to come together, but usually, as I write, my thoughts sort of fall into place and I can pull some sort of nugget out of an otherwise embarrassing story. Like the one I am about to tell you. I don’t know if I have waitedContinueContinue reading “Off Pitch”


I don’t always do it or do it well, but the primary purpose of my life in a nutshell is to live out the suggested 11th Step of the 12 Step Recovery Model: Seeking “through prayer and meditation to improve my conscious contact with God as I understand Him, praying only for His will forContinueContinue reading “Harmonious”

Sneaky Perfectionism

I should know by now that in order for me to learn something, I have to experience first hand. Just knowing about it or reading about it don’t get it done for me. This week I rode the learning curve yet again. It came to a head while I was attempting to learn my altoContinueContinue reading “Sneaky Perfectionism”