Give it a rest

I will try my best to keep this short and sweet. I am running out of time because I have been searching several books to find a quote I wanted use in this post. I wasted way too much time on this before it occurred to me to ask the Google Machine :). Before theContinueContinue reading “Give it a rest”

A lid of FEAR and DREAD

A friend of ours in California, who shall remain nameless to protect their identity, is a personal bodyguard for a famous celebrity. They actually attended the Golden Globes last weekend. When I found this out, my first reaction was, “It’s a good thing that I am not their bodyguard, because they would definitely be atContinueContinue reading “A lid of FEAR and DREAD”

Unpacking NOT SO FAST Some times life is going too fast for us. We an feel overwhelmed and unable to manage what is coming at us. Ever feel that way? What about he opposite? When what we want won’t come fast enough. The wait, the agony of uncertainty. Well Heather and Bruce break down the phraseContinueContinue reading “Unpacking NOT SO FAST”

Unpacking WONDER Unpacking WONDERDo we WONDER why me? How about why not or why are we not getting what we want or desire right away or even after exhaustive work? Do we wonder what others are thinking about us? their opinion or perception?Can we look at our God and Christ in complete WONDERContinueContinue reading “Unpacking WONDER”

Unpacking IMPACT This episode is dedicated to my father-in-law Ron Carter. He passed from Esophageal Cancer 2 years ago today. June 19th at 11:08. Please check out my blog entitled “Where’s Ron” ( ) to hear more of the story. I hope you will find this episode helpful as you also navigate life’sContinueContinue reading “Unpacking IMPACT”

Unpacking CARELESS and CARE LESS While we don’t ever want to be CARELESS, are there times when we should CARE LESS about certain things? What others think about us? Being too focused on the outcome? Instead focusing on the process, the impact, where we are right now with the relationship, conversation, and our growth? In this EpisodeContinueContinue reading “Unpacking CARELESS and CARE LESS”

Unpacking PRESSURE

UNPACKING PRESSURE: Put there we get to respond Really is that really true Everyone has a perspective Seen as a performance test Subtle ways to step into it Untie situation & outcome Relax and seek your CALM Envision the tire w/o air Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. Learn more aboutContinueContinue reading “Unpacking PRESSURE”


I typically reserve my blogs for tattling on myself about my silly, embarrassing and sometimes dreadful behaviors. Today, however, I have permission (OK—I don’t really have it yet, but plan to get it before I post!) to tell you about a hilarious experience I had with a friend the other night. We were happily headingContinueContinue reading “80mph”

Unpacking PRESSURE

UNPACKING PRESSURE:Put there we get to respondReally is that really trueEveryone has a perspectiveSeen as a performance testSubtle ways to step into itUntie situation & outcomeRelax and seek your CALMEnvision the tire w/o air Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.Learn more about Bruce Pulver, book a speaking engagement or order AboveContinueContinue reading “Unpacking PRESSURE”

Unpacking OVER On Top. Who is in charge of your life? Who are you in charge of?Very done. “I am over it!”Everything is complete. It’s over now. You can move on. Reflection. Look back. What did you learn. How did you grow? How can you do it different in the future? How did you seeContinueContinue reading “Unpacking OVER”