Unpacking WONDER

https://spotify.link/nhemYpq79Db https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000632389975 https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-WONDER-e2avho2 https://youtu.be/v_jo3dJoYXQ?si=AufdBe6O_1zJ0RIK Unpacking WONDERDo we WONDER why me? How about why not or why are we not getting what we want or desire right away or even after exhaustive work? Do we wonder what others are thinking about us? their opinion or perception?Can we look at our God and Christ in complete WONDERContinueContinue reading “Unpacking WONDER”

Unpacking MINUTIAE

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000608301580 https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-MINUTIAE-e2254bp https://open.spotify.com/episode/3AIMCFpSBeIVC10BusURO1?si=s304gK7BQVi8PW2mgRbjtA&dd=1 Heather and Bruce back together again to unpack MINUTIAE. The small stuff. Really. Maybe the day to day mundane can bring us great joy if we pay attention and use the time in these tasks to connect with others and make an impact. Drive through lines, Grocery store check outs, Elevators, etc.ContinueContinue reading “Unpacking MINUTIAE”

Progress, Not Perfection

ICU-February 20(isn-March 3rd (ish) At home-sometime around April I am back in the hospital for my final round of Chemo. That’s a miraculous gift, if you ask me. I believe that with all my heart and am grateful. GOd saved my life twice ( that I am aware of…) in the past 4 months. TheContinueContinue reading “Progress, Not Perfection”