Give it a rest

I will try my best to keep this short and sweet. I am running out of time because I have been searching several books to find a quote I wanted use in this post. I wasted way too much time on this before it occurred to me to ask the Google Machine :). Before theContinueContinue reading “Give it a rest”

What WORD does God call you?

This one hit me hard about a month ago. I am just now ready and willing to share it with you. First, another confession that I stole (though I prefer the more civilized word, “borrowed”) another book from my mother-in-law’s library last time I was in Vegas. If you recall, I “borrowed” another book ofContinueContinue reading “What WORD does God call you?”

“That’s all I have to say about that.”

I have been wearing a pretty deep rut in my mind for the past couple weeks. It came to a head this week and I found myself unable to relax at all. My spirit was wound up and fearful, causing me to feel frozen. Paralyzed. Have you ever felt immobilized over your lack of controlContinueContinue reading ““That’s all I have to say about that.””

Unpacking PATH

In this Episode of “Can I Have a Word With You?” Bruce and Heather discuss the topic of Finding, Getting on and Staying our our PATH Proverbs 3 v 5-6. Will it be easy? Do we have a role and responsibility?What is our path (unique to us)How do we get on it (prayer, studying andContinueContinue reading “Unpacking PATH”

Unpacking MIRROR

In this Episode, Bruce and Heather unpack and discuss the word MIRROR. What are the first thoughts/emotions when we think about looking in the MIRROR?Frightening, difficult? Opportunity, evaluation? What is it reflecting? Do we like what we see, not just physically but also, who we see?Do we compare? Do we say WOW I’m unique? HowContinueContinue reading “Unpacking MIRROR”

Unpacking OVER On Top. Who is in charge of your life? Who are you in charge of?Very done. “I am over it!”Everything is complete. It’s over now. You can move on. Reflection. Look back. What did you learn. How did you grow? How can you do it different in the future? How did you seeContinueContinue reading “Unpacking OVER”

Unpacking ALWAYS


November 2, 2022 When I woke up this morning, the day I was to fly home from a week of vacation in Las Vegas with family, my first thought was that I was ready. Ready to get back to a regular schedule and regular life. My second thought was a reminder to myself, having experiencedContinueContinue reading “Berkeley”

Even If He Does Not…

This entry is unique because I am typing it after the fact. I wrote it out the other day. I had thoughts that needed to come out on paper and I didn’t have access to a device. My thoughts came much faster than my hand was able to write, so please be gracious if itContinueContinue reading “Even If He Does Not…”

Me Too

I was driving down the street, worrying, fretting and feeling overwhelmed with life in general, when out of nowhere I heard a voice. I was pretty sure it wasn’t God’s voice because the message wasn’t very nice. I heard it loud and clear: “I liked you better when you had cancer.” Before I could answer,ContinueContinue reading “Me Too”