Tonight’s the night

Tonight’s the night. I am doing a local women’s event that is self-sponsored, although, today it seems like a better word for it might be self-inflicted. It’s yet to be determined if I have anything profound to say today, but since this whole book and speaking journey started with me reasoning things out with myself,ContinueContinue reading “Tonight’s the night”

Unpacking VICTORY What is being VICTORY? The big prize? Winning it all? The trophy and the accolades? Well, if that is the only picture of a “WIN”, life can be pretty disappointing, right?In this episode, Heather and Bruce look at VICTORY in different ways so that we can gain some momentum, get on track,ContinueContinue reading “Unpacking VICTORY”

Unpacking COMMIT A few episodes back, we unpacked COMMIT and looked at the WHAT and the HOW.In this Episode we revisit COMMIT but look at a focus on WHY would we commit to an improvement or a change in our lives.Why is this she important in working to archive a change in our lives?TheContinueContinue reading “Unpacking COMMIT”

Unpacking PATH

In this Episode of “Can I Have a Word With You?” Bruce and Heather discuss the topic of Finding, Getting on and Staying our our PATH Proverbs 3 v 5-6. Will it be easy? Do we have a role and responsibility?What is our path (unique to us)How do we get on it (prayer, studying andContinueContinue reading “Unpacking PATH”


I may have mentioned this a few hundred times in previous blogs, but occasionally I get sidetracked and start writing for the wrong reasons. I start writing because I feel like I should or “have to” so people keep reading, I don’t lose traction or risk being forgotten as a writer altogether. I sometimes writeContinueContinue reading “Fragmented”


Unpacking PAUSE

Often we don’t realize how fast we are going. Often we can be overwhelmed without knowing how or why.Let’s take a moment and PAUSE. It’s not easy but oh so important and can change and even save a life.How? Try this.Unpacking PAUSEPush that button every so oftenAcknowledge we are WORTHYUnleash the pressure of our ownContinueContinue reading “Unpacking PAUSE”

“I made my family disappear😥…I made my family disappear🥳”

Today is December 24th, 2022. My son, Berkeley, was in a hit and run while walking in a crosswalk in downtown LA on December 1st. I haven’t written since. I do my best to “write in the messy”. I encourage others to do the same. But this….this was a kind of messy so deep andContinueContinue reading ““I made my family disappear😥…I made my family disappear🥳””

Unpacking OBEY

Secondhand resentment

I almost always write a new blog on a Tuesday or Thursday morning. That’s when I have time to sit, reflect, read, and listen for God’s promptings. Today is Saturday and it is 4:17PM. So who knows how this is going to turn out. But I have something on my mind that I am guessingContinueContinue reading “Secondhand resentment”