“Stepping In It”

As long as I live I will never run out of material to write about because doggonit–I just keep “stepping in it.” I guess I can view it as “job security.” Every once in awhile, though, I pleasantly surprise myself by being aware of what I stepped in before God has to use a bullhorn.ContinueContinue reading ““Stepping In It””

“Seatbelts Everyone”

I am going to do my best to give you an accurate mental picture of what I am going to write about this morning. I wish wish wish I had an actual picture, because it would be definitely be something you would want to hang on your wall (for occasional comic relief). I’ll do my bestContinueContinue reading ““Seatbelts Everyone””

“Life Is”

“Life is Good”? Try “Life is boring”, “Life is Hard”, Life is Dull”. Now, wouldn’t those make good slogans for a t-shirt line? Maybe it’s because I am coming down from the thrill of being in Paris for a week, but I feel bored and tired and disinterested in my everyday life. I realize IContinueContinue reading ““Life Is””

Resentment Machine

When I write a blog, it usually is a result of something I have read in the morning that I feel God is prompting me to write about. Most of the time it is a direct result of something I am battling with myself ,and you, my dear friends, get to be the victims ofContinueContinue reading “Resentment Machine”

Keeping It Simple…(a.k.a. Strawberry Fruit Snack)

I was at the dentist yesterday. I have mentioned before how amazing my “Dental Spa” is. Besides having amazing attitudes about a not-so-fun job, they go the extra mile when dealing with a frightened child who has anxiety about having dental work done (and in this case, I am not talking about myself…). Apparently, theContinueContinue reading “Keeping It Simple…(a.k.a. Strawberry Fruit Snack)”

Today’s “The Day”

Before I got out of bed this morning I wrote a whole blog, in my head, on “cussing.” But then I remembered what day it was and so you will have to tune in another time to hear my thoughts on that topic. Because today is February 6th. Today’s “the day”. Today’s the day thatContinueContinue reading “Today’s “The Day””

On Editing…

My Editor (ok—my mom) and I have been going through my past blogs preparing them for the book. It’s been fun to re-read them, but I definitely saw a pattern. When you read them back to back to back, you notice things. One might notice that there is a common thread of my struggle withContinueContinue reading “On Editing…”

Are All Your Cards On The Table?

Several years ago my husband and I led a Small Group. For those of you who are part of a contemporary church, you probably already know what that is. If you aren’t familiar with the concept, it’s essentially a group of people that meet together on a regular basis and is, um, small. The ideaContinueContinue reading “Are All Your Cards On The Table?”

Shopping for Jeans

Today is the first day of a new year. I am happy to say that in the past few year I have been able to overcome, whether it be intentional or not, the urge to create a list of “Resolutions” (read: “unreasonably high expectations for myself and others”). No judgment on anyone who chooses toContinueContinue reading “Shopping for Jeans”


The night before Thanksgiving I had the privilege of speaking for a few minutes at a Gratitude Meeting for people in all kinds of Recovery. Wall to wall people. Standing room only. They all came to hear and share h0w grateful they are for the good, the bad and even the ugly that has happenedContinueContinue reading “On GRATITUDE”