“Fast-Pass”…Be Careful What You Wish For

So…after I wrote about wanting a “Fast-Pass” a couple days ago (stop reading right now and refer to the previous post if you haven’t read it yet😉), I couldn’t help but contemplate what exactly I think that would look like if it actually could happen in real life. And after a couple days it cameContinueContinue reading ““Fast-Pass”…Be Careful What You Wish For”


I feel like I am wearing a “fat-suit”. I don’t know if it is actual fat or leftover chemo fluids or both, but I don’t like it at all. It’s as if I have about a 2 inch-thick coating on the outside of my body. I just know my real body is hiding underneath itContinueContinue reading ““Fat-Suit””


Think about the worst sunburn you’ve ever had…. Everyone has a story. I have sunburns on my mind because we just spent a few days at the beach and we accumulated a few sunburns. Overall, we managed to leave fairly unscathed. My husband was a bit blotchy from where someone missed some spots on hisContinueContinue reading “sunburns”

Pray without ceasing…

While I was in the hospital for my last round of Chemo, I got to visit a friend who was in ICU following a heart attack. She is approximately my age and the fact that she survived is nothing short of a miracle. Besides a life threatening  event, we also shared something else; neither ofContinueContinue reading “Pray without ceasing…”

More annoying insights on forgiveness…

Seriously…I have a book called “Total Forgiveness” that I have underlined to death and has been hucked across the room with a scream on more than one occasion. I had gotten it from a counselor so obviously, I had to buy her a new one to return to her. Besides, I really need  to readContinueContinue reading “More annoying insights on forgiveness…”

Strapped Down?

I’m back  in the hospital.  I’ve already cheered up the place with my lights and party swirls hanging from the ceiling.  I have no choice really. The nurses expect it and are disappointed when there is no ambiance. I have nurses and techs who aren’t even assigned to me who come by just to feelContinueContinue reading “Strapped Down?”

Blake Update #4

Good news from MMC today.  H is on the mend.  Up walking (gingerly), eating solid food (since yesterday – she likes pancakes, but I’m recommending chili), laughing, showering, peeing, etc.  God is good.  The acute danger we faced last week seems to be past.  We cannot tell you how much the prayers and notes andContinueContinue reading “Blake Update #4”

Blake’s entry to Heather’s blog

So last night I got called back to the hospital in the middle of the night in the driving snow storm because H’s blood pressure dropped and she had a slight fever and they were concerned about infection and they were moving her to another floor (huge shout out to Dr Agamah for answering aContinueContinue reading “Blake’s entry to Heather’s blog”

wonderwoman pole dance

got my wonder woman shirt goin on and heading out to fight some leukemia! had a great valentnes day yesterday. my wonderful husband managed to get saputos to deliver filets, baked pototes and veggies to the hospital. He’s amazing. i am so thankful to all of you hwo have made this a beautiful beginning toContinueContinue reading “wonderwoman pole dance”