Unpacking NOT SO FAST

https://open.spotify.com/episode/4cdM3ZsnXFWAJKNpghEiGk?si=4P-Eb9OyRQmlXI_oDviE_g https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000639696649 https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-NOT-SO-FAST-when-we-want-things-faster-e2djii1 Some times life is going too fast for us. We an feel overwhelmed and unable to manage what is coming at us. Ever feel that way? What about he opposite? When what we want won't come fast enough. The wait, the agony of uncertainty. Well Heather and Bruce break down the phraseContinue reading "Unpacking NOT SO FAST"


The past couple of Christmases I have been saying that I want to write a series on the Carols of Christmas. Some of the the lines I had never paid attention to, sung without the least bit of attention to their meaning, have become immeasurably powerful to me. After doing some research (meaning I googledContinue reading "Awake!!!"

“Fa la la la-ing” Christmas

I have been listening to Christmas carols with a blog mindset this year. I actually can’t wait to share with you how my favorite lines from what I have heard with new ears this year comes from “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.” But for today’s purposes, I want to take you to aContinue reading "“Fa la la la-ing” Christmas"

Sweet dreams of forgiveness

It’s been about a week since I had this dream. I wish I would’ve written about it sooner but I was on vacation and you probably know how that goes. Alone-thinking-reflecting time is not always possible. There’s also a fair chance that I have been stalling. Partly because it involves sharing one of the mostContinue reading "Sweet dreams of forgiveness"

Unpacking CHOSEN

https://open.spotify.com/episode/6UcdAFrNbivlAQKG4uv0DJ?si=-QsA924iSAWasyB7zVFKzw https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000636743075 https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-CHOSEN-e2c7he1 https://youtu.be/mjWQNMiEpf4?feature=shared Join Heather and Amanda as they unpack the powerful word CHOSEN.ChristHasOpenlySpokenEverlastingNew-life http://www.acupofgratitude.org/ Learn more about Bruce Pulver, contact him to book a speaking engagement, and order Above the Chatter Our Words Matter at http://abovethechatterourwordsmatter.com/. Watch Bruce's TEDx Talk at: https://www.ted.com/talks/bruce_pulver_the_secret_to_changing_negative_self_talk_by_renewing_your_mindset Learn more about Heather Carter, book a speaking engagement, and orderContinue reading "Unpacking CHOSEN"

The gratitude hierarchy

It seems like every time I turn around I am hearing someone talk about making a gratitude list. I think it's a great idea, but as I have admitted in the past, I have had a mental block about how to create one in a way that actually helps me access the "feels" that comeContinue reading "The gratitude hierarchy"

Unpacking GIVING

https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000635505803 https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-GIVING-e2bt7em https://open.spotify.com/episode/3cb9MB713bDfLQP16HjUc7?si=_3-qAYCjQq-UnWuJmjJ7mA Unpacking GIVINGWhat are we giving? Grief, a hard time, trouble or grace, compliments, thanks, appreciation, or something else that lifts others with encouragement?Romans 15 v 4 And the Scriptures were written to teach and encourage us by GIVING us hope. GIVINGGets to the heart of lifeInvites us to share selfValid, whatever isContinue reading "Unpacking GIVING"

Unpacking THANK YOU

https://open.spotify.com/episode/5HUD72TFWWJJehTOk9rSTJ?si=QYtBqCOuRJ2vb4mVfBrc_w https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/can-i-have-a-word-with-you/id1628668707?i=1000634728706 https://anchor.fm/canihaveawordwithyou/episodes/Unpacking-THANK-YOU-e2bt774 Unpacking THANK YOUThese are the two perfect words when getting a compliment for doing something someone appreciates. Nothing more, nothing less. not to diminish and not to accept with any overconfidence or gloating. Also, two great words when showing appreciation for the effort seen by someone else that impacts our day. EphesiansContinue reading "Unpacking THANK YOU"

Interval training

I have a challenge for you. Or maybe it’s better to say that I invite you to join me in a challenge. Lately I have been thinking about the principle of interval training and how it relates to so much more than exercise. In case you aren’t familiar with it (intervals or this mysterious thingContinue reading "Interval training"